Kote Konstantinopolskii
Design Entrepreneur with 10+ years of experience

Drive2 is a car social network with 30 million visitors per month

After 10 years of evolution, team faced problems with design debt

So we are reducing it with new design system

With tested components, fonts, colors, and responsive layouts

And redesign process with simple rules and steps

Here we go!

Every page can be easily converted to desktop in two minutes

The riskiest parts of vision tested on UX-interview with team members and actual customers

Kote Konstantinopolskii

Ilya Pinzur

Gleb Letushov

Vyacheslav Popov

Daria Ponomareva

Eli Straykov

Thanks for support to Anastasiya Konstantinopolskaya, Anton Bolotov, Yan Khatskevich, Tema Vernik, Yuriy Belousov, Alex Bespoyasov

Tzlvt is a simple daily budget app for those, who need to just stay alive. This is my pet project, usually used as an experiment platform.

Appstore marketing

Redesign with Drive2 system

Animations and prototypes

And we are still alive!

Kote Konstantinopolskii

Alexander Bespoyasov

Thanks for support to Anastasiya Konstantinopolskaya, Maxim Gorodov, Fedor Kuznetsov, Alexander Kundelev, Gleb Letushov, Arseniy Lobastov, Egor Ogarkov, Artem Saveliev, Dmitry Yurchenko

Mixtape with my pictures from different ages, styles and tasks. Even with link sometimes!

Kote Konstantinopolskii

Design Entrepreneur with 10+ years of experience and passion to work in social, health or eco-industry
